• Question: Why did you study satelites

    Asked by anon-245450 to Sam, Samantha on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Samantha Faircloth

      Samantha Faircloth answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      Hello Harry! You clearly understand science well and have spotted that the Moon is also called a satellite! Well done. I find the Moon really interesting because it is thought to be related to the Earth. It is believed that the Moon formed when a giant planet hit the very young Earth. Bits of the Earth flew out into space and began circling (orbiting) what was left of the Earth. The bits of material eventually crashed together and formed the Moon. As a result, some of the chemistry of the Moon is very similar to the Earth because it is made of very similar materials! I find that really interesting and exciting!! : -)

    • Photo: Sam Frampton

      Sam Frampton answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I study satellites because I like the idea of helping people explore the universe! We’re trying to get people to the moon and mars, but for now, (robotic) satellites are the best way to explore space
