• Question: what is the most interesting planet

    Asked by anon-245445 to Sam, Samantha, Nicol, Lori-Ann, Liam, David on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Sam Frampton

      Sam Frampton answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I think Uranus is the most interesting! It spins on it’s side and we don’t know why, we don’t even really know what it’s made of….

    • Photo: Samantha Faircloth

      Samantha Faircloth answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      Hello Yosief, Earth is definitely the most interesting. There is life, water, beautiful countryside and lots of oxygen to breathe. It really is very unique : -)

    • Photo: Lori-Ann Foley

      Lori-Ann Foley answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I think the most interesting planet is Mars, cos I am studying it. I look at its weather and see how that affects the planet. So just like on Earth, the weather here has an effect.

    • Photo: Liam Perera

      Liam Perera answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I love Saturn because it is such a crazy place, it has rings and it is made of gas. It also has an ice moon called Titan that has an atmosphere and rivers of methane instead of water!

    • Photo: David Sobral

      David Sobral answered on 11 Mar 2020: last edited 11 Mar 2020 2:48 pm

      Our very own planet Earth, because it allows us to be alive and study every single other planet in the comfort of an amazing atmosphere and magnetic field 🙂
