Asked by anon-245381 to Sam, Samantha, Nicol, Lori-Ann, Liam, David on 16 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Lori-Ann Foley

      Lori-Ann Foley answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      Stars come in all sorts of sizes and temperatures and they change during the star’s life cycle. So stars are born, live and die and during that time they can change. A standard life cycle is that stars, like in the Pleiades, are young and hot and white/blue. Then a middle-aged average star is yellow, like our sun. As stars get older, they get cooler and turn red and grow bigger – Betelgeuse is like that now and we think it will end its life by blowing up in a supernova sooner rather than later. It had been fading a lot lately and people were excited that it might go supernova now and we would see it. But it is brightening again, so it seems it might be just a part of how it is aging. Our sun is likely to turn into a cool, red giant but not for a long time – another 5 billion years, so we won’t be here to see it. 🙂

    • Photo: David Sobral

      David Sobral answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      Stars can be as small as a few times the size of Jupiter and then they are very “cold” and they look very red. Those small, red stars live for so so long, longer than the age of the Universe!

      Stars can also be very big, much larger than the Sun, and then they are typically much hotter and very blue, but they only live for a short amount of time!

      So stars come in all sizes (from a few times Jupiter to tens of thousands of times larger than the Sun), and they can be very red if they are small, or very blue if they are very massive

    • Photo: Samantha Faircloth

      Samantha Faircloth answered on 16 Mar 2020:

      Hello Jump, Stars can be many different sizes and colours! Hotter stars are whiter and cooler starts are redder! All of them are far too hot for us to touch though and are usually a few thousand degrees Celsius 🙂
